About The Defence Interest

From The Editor

The Defence Interest, founded in August 2020 by Arunav Moitra, has started out as a platform for deep thinking, gaining knowledge, doing critical analysis, understanding the geopolitics, international relations, foreign affairs and policies, military strategies and research, innovation, and changing global dynamics. The Defence Interest is all about focusing on our Indian interests and how can we dominate the world. It is motivated and propelled by the belief that nothing will enhance the true interests of India effectively if we don't change our stance and approach in foreign affairs, national security, and offensive defence capabilities. As India becomes militarily and diplomatically powerful with state-of-the-art indigenous technology and systems and we will have a greater dominance over world order and can achieve overall peace and stability in the country and the region. When you're powerful then only there's peace. 

Lord Ram’s principle is

"भय बिनु होइ न प्रीति"

(bhayaa binu hoi na preeti)
It means without the use of power or striking fear into your enemies, there's no love or peace.

In August 2020, India’s Defence Minister announced an embargo for 101 Items with the aim to boost indigenization of defence production and promote self-reliance in defence production and reduce external dependence.

India, unfortunately, holds the distinction of being the world’s second-largest arms importer. Saudi Arabia surpassed India to become the largest importer. Notably, Russia is the largest arms supplier to India, accounting for 49% of India’s imports. According to Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), the latest data on global arms transfer shows that Indian arms imports have come down significantly (by 32%) since 2015, indicating that the ‘Make in India’ initiative is gaining ground. The silver lining for India, along with the 32% dip in imports has been the entry into the exporter's list.

The need of the hour is to get the private sector involved in defence production. In order for Make-in-India to be a success story, there need to be two primary objectives - Firstly, reduce own dependence on imports and enhance our export potential.

Therefore, India would be peaceful and happy as long as it continues to grow stronger. The same policy and practice of Lord Rama have been guiding India for many years. We will continue to follow this to make ourselves "आत्मनिर्भर" (Self-reliant) first and then go on to establish a positively impactful mark on the world. By contributing to a vital stimulus towards fashioning a new foreign and defence policy consensus based on civil and enlightened contention, The Defence Interest seeks to serve this country’s wider national interest.

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